Changes for 2025.

The rates for 2025 have been set. The rates presented here are the gross hourly rates. How these rates translate into net costs depends on your income. Use our calculation tool to easily calculate the net costs for 2025. Please inform the Dutch Tax & Customs Administration of the new rate as soon as possible. 

This page provides more information about the rate increase and the new 52-week out-of-school care package.


2025 rates.

1. What will my costs be in 2025?

Daycare and out-of-school care
View the hourly rates for daycare and out-of-school care.

Toddler care
View the rates for toddler care. The rates and allowances for toddler care vary depending on your municipality. The rates for your particular municipality may not be announced until after 1 January. You will receive a message from us once your municipality announces their rates. 

Net costs
The net childcare costs depend on your income. Easily calculate your net costs using our calculation tool. Are you having trouble figuring it out? Our Planning and Advice department would be happy to help. 

Rising costs
The increase in rates is a result of rising costs. We base our anticipated costs on, amongst other things, our past experience, the laws and regulations with which our organisation must comply, and external sources. We also use these resources to determine whether the anticipated cost increase is realistic and in line with the rest of the market. We engaged in said process this year, as any other year. This year's rate increase is largely due to rising wage costs, since wage costs make up approximately 75% of our costs. The other costs (25%) are indexed at an inflation rate of 2.8%. 

We would like to emphasise that we are a social organisation and do not distribute profits to shareholders. In short, this means that we reinvest every cent we receive, back into the organisation. In addition, we limit our price indexation as much as possible. 

Affordability of childcare
The affordability of childcare depends in part on the daycare allowance provided by the government. This allowance is based on the basic government standard for childcare allowance and a reimbursement percentage, based on a means test.  

The government has increased the standard means test income for parents by 3.87%. In addition, the percentage of childcare allowance for middle-income earners has been increased significantly. This means the net contribution for a large percentage of parents will be lower, thus increasing the affordability of our childcare.  

More information about the government's childcare allowance >

2025 services.

1. What is changing?

Change in conditions for 52-week out-of-school care package
On 1 January, 2025, A change to our service offering will enter into effect. Under the new 52-week of out-of-school care contracts, childcare during school closure days (days when the school closes outside the holiday and public holidays) and school closure hours (i.e. when the school closes before its standard closing time) is no longer included.

Childcare during school closure days always used to be included in our 52-week out-of-school care package, regardless of the weekday on which the school closure days fell and whether or not parents took advantage of the service offered. As such, some parents hardly made use of our out-of-school care during school closure days, whereas others used it a great deal. We believe that people who do not utilise such additional childcare should not have to pay for it, and vice versa.

In short, if you use it, you need to pay for it. 

The existing 52-week out-of-school care contracts will remain unchanged 
If you have an existing 52-week out-of-school care contract, or if you sign a 52-week out-of-school care contract before 1 January 2025 (we will continue issuing the old contracts until 13 December 2024), this change will not affect you. Even if you want to change part of your contract now or in the future (such as the number of hours, days and/or branch), nothing will change. In such cases, you will still receive childcare for your child on school closure days (days when the school closes outside the holiday and public holidays) and school closure hours (i.e. when the school closes earlier than its standard closing time). 

New 52-week out-of-school care contract  
If you switch to a different product (e.g. out-of-school care instead of daycare) or type of contract (52-week instead of 40-week), this constitutes a new contract. If you end up entering into one of our new 52-week out-of-school care contracts (i.e. a contract signed on or after 1 January 2025), you will be entitled to:  

- out-of-school care during school weeks on the days specified in the contract.  
- Full-day care during school holidays on the days specified in the contract.  
- Childcare during school closure days and days with school closure hours (as defined by the school in the school guide) on the days specified in the contract. This covers the time between the end of school and your branch's closing time. If you require full-day childcare on school closure days or days with school closure hours (i,e. when the school closes earlier than its standard closing time), you can request additional childcare hours. Childcare during such additional hours is provided in accordance with the regulations regarding the Professional Childcarer-Child Ratio.   
- As for school closure days and days with school closure hours not listed in the school guide, we will do our best to arrange childcare, but we cannot guarantee that we will always be able to do so.  

The 52-week out-of-school care product that excludes school closure days has a lower rate than the the 52-week out-of-school care product that includes school closure days. If desired, you can also switch from an existing 52-week out-of-school care contract (including school closure days) to the new 52-week out-of-school care product that excludes school closure days. 

School holidays
As for the twelve weeks of school holidays, we follow the official dates as set by the Dutch government for the southern half of the country. The 12 official weeks of holiday are:

  • 1 week spring holiday (may vary depending on the date of Carnival)
  • 2 weeks' holiday in May
  • 6 weeks' holiday in summer
  • 1 week autumn holiday
  • 2 weeks' Christmas holiday

Alternate opening times
Our branches are closed on holidays. In 2025, our branches will be closed on 1 January, 21 April, 29 May, 9 June, 25 and 26 December, as well as 5 May (Liberation Day).

On 5, 24 and 31 December, all of our branches will close at 17:00 pm.

My child has not started yet, but I already have a signed contract (52-week out-of-school care package) with a placement date before 1 January 2025. Am I entitled to childcare on school closure days? 
Yes, the date the contract was signed is the dedicing factor. If you signed your contract before 1 January 2025 (you would also have received a specific placement offer to this effect), you are entitled to childcare on school closure days. 

I want to change (decrease or increase) the number of days/hours in my current 52-week out-of-school care package. Am I still entitled to childcare on school closure days? 
Yes, you retain the right to childcare on school closure days if you already have a contract, even if you wish to increase, reduce, or change the day(s) and/or branch, either now or in the future. Regardless of whether changes are made, you will retain your existing contract.

I have an existing 40-week out-of-school care contract, but want to change it to a 52-week out-of-school care contract. What am I entitled to?  
This is a change of product and is therefore treated as a new contract. If the new 52-week out-of-school care contract is signed before 1 January 2025 (we will continue issuing the old contracts until 13 December 2024), you are entitled to childcare on school closure days. If the new contract is signed after 1 January 2025, you will receive the 52-week out-of-school care package without school closure days. 

If I want to change my contract, how do I go about that? 
Please contact the customer advisor at your branch to discuss your needs. The contact details for our customer advisors can be found on the individual branch pages on our website. 

If I register or request a change before 1 January 2025, am I assured of a contract that will include childcare on school closure days? 
Neither the registration date nor the date on which the change was requested are the deciding factor. Only after we have presented you with a definitive placement offer (our placement policy stipulates that we plan 6 months in advance), do we draw up the contract (we will continue issuing the old 52-week out-of-school care contracts until 13 December 2024, accounting for a window of time in which to sign the contract), and if you sign the contract before 1 January 2025, you will be entitled to childcare on school closure days.  

My child already receives out-of-school care, but I have submitted another application for their brother/sister. What am I entitled to? 
The date on which the 52-week afterschool contract for each individual child was signed is the deciding factor. If a new 52-week out-of-school care contract is signed before 1 January 2025 (we will continue issuing the old 52-week out-of-school care contracts until 13 December 2024, accounting for a window of time in which to sign the contract), you will receive the 52-week out-of-school care that includes school closure days. If the contract is signed after 1 January 2025, you will receive the 52-week out-of-school care package that excludes school closure days.  
It is therefore possible for one child to end up entitled to care during school closure days, whereas the other child is not. Depending on availability, you can request extra hours so that your second child can also attend daycare all day on a school closure day. We provide childcare in accordance with the Professional Childcarer-Child Ratio. 

Can I change to the new contract type for my first child as of 1 January 2025, because my other child will be getting the new package and I therefore would rather tackle the issue childcare on school closure days in another way? 
Yes, you can. Please contact the customer advisor at your branch to discuss your needs. The contact details for our customer advisors can be found on the individual branch pages on our website. 

Do you even offer childcare on school closure days? 

Anyone with a 52-week out-of-school care contract signed before 1 January 2025 is entitled to childcare on the school closure days and during school closing hours listed in the school guide. If you have a contract signed after 1 January 2025, you have the option of requesting extra childcare on a school closure day and school closing hours, depending on availability. This covers the time between when your branch opens (i.e. what would normally be the start of their schoolday) until the school's closing time. We offer childcare in accordance with the Professional Childcarer-Child Ratio and with a minimum of 5 children.

The application can be submitted from 180 days before the relevant day in the parent portal. Do this no later than 4 weeks (28 calendar days) before the relevant school closing day (or hours). According to the new collective labor agreement, we must announce the schedules to our employees in the groups 21 calendar days in advance. If you submit the application less than 28 calendar days before the school closing day or school closing hours, we can still approve it if it falls within the Professional Childcarer-Child Ratio.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer complete certainty in advance, although we always aim to meet your needs.

How do I request extra childcare on a school closure day? 
You can request extra childcare in the parent portal via 'Diary > Request day’.

If the school closure day is on a weekday for which you are not entitled to childcare as per your contract, you will see two options in the diary, namely half-day out-of-school care from 15:00-18:30 pm and full-day out-of-school care from 7:30 am -18:30 pm. You can select the latter to request extra childcare to cover the whole day.

If the school closure day is on a weekday for which you are entitled to childcare as per your contract, you will see two options in the diary, namely one for 15:00-18:30 pm and one for 7:30 am-15:00 pm. You can select the latter to request extra childcare for the hours during which your child would normally be at school.

Once we have received the request, we will look at whether there is sufficient capacity at your branch. A branch employee will keep you informed regarding the request via the parent portal. 

I have a pre-school care package. What effect will the change have on my package? 
If you have a pre-school care package instead of an out-of-school care package, this change will not affect you. Your child will simply attend pre-school care on the days stipulated in the contract. You are also free to request extra childcare on a school closure day, depending on availability. If you apply for extra childcare on a school closure day, you obviously will not be charged twice for the pre-school care hours. We offer childcare in accordance with the Professional Childcarer-Child Ratio. 

Were any of the parents consulted on the change?
We consulted with the Central Parents' Committee on this change last year. Following consultation with them, we postponed this product change to 2025. Meanwhile, Korein has asked the schools to distribute their school closure days evenly across weekdays. This means the demand for extra childcare will be more evenly and fairly distributed (regardless of whether childcare is purchased via Korein or arranged privately). In other words, it will be down to just a few days a year.  


  • Please inform the Dutch Tax & Customs Administration of our new hourly rate in good time. You can find the number of contracted hours on the invoice. You can also request an overview of your hours from our Planning and Advice department.

  • Use our calculation tool to calculate your net costs.

  • Want to know whether your existing contract still suits your needs? Please feel free to contact our Planning and Advice department!

Do you have any questions or are you in need of personalised advice? We would be happy to help.